Model Fitting

The ACEhamiltonians framework offers a variety of fitting subroutines which are capable of anything from a single basis to an entire model. When using the model-level automated fitting procedure, one need only specify the model to be fitted and the location(s) from which fitting data can be gathered. Model-level fitting can be carried out with only a few lines of code, as evident from the following example.

# Path to the database within which the fitting data is stored
database_path = "example_data.h5"

# Names/paths of/to the system(s) to which the model should draw fitting data
target_systems = ["0224"]

# Open up the HDF5 database within which the target data is stored
h5open(database_path) do database

    # Load the target system(s) for fitting
    systems = [database[target_system] for target_system in target_systems]

    # Perform the fitting operation
    # Here, solver is an optional field with default "LSQR" which 
    # specifies the solver used to solve the least squares in fitting
    # Other possible choice are "QR", "ARD", "BRR", "RRQR" etc.
    fit!(model, systems; recentre=true, solver = "LSQR")

# Don't forget to save the model after fitting (if needed)

This particular version of fit! requires only two positional arguments, but accepts up to six optional keyword arguments. The first positional argument is the Model to be fitted and the second is a vector of HDF5 Group object(s) from which the fitting data is to be drawn. It is important to note that the provided HDF5 groups must follow the structure specification provided here. The optional keyword arguments made available are:

  • on_site_filter::Function: the DataSet entities for all on-site bases will be passed through this filter function prior to fitting. This function should take as DataSet as its only argument and yield a, possibly filtered, DataSet as its return. If not specified this will default to identity.
  • off_site_filter::Function: off-site equivalent to the on_site_filter argument.
  • tolerance::AbstractFloat: only sub-blocks with least one element greater than or equal to tolerance will be loaded. This argument permits sparse blocks to be ignored during loading and fitting. Warning, this can negatively impact the performance of the off-site bases if the bond cutoff distance was not chosen with care and is therefore disabled by default.
  • recentre::Bool: By default, atoms loaded from the database are assumed to span the fractional coordinate domain of [0.0, 1.0). Setting recentre to true will remap atomic positions to the fractional coordinate domain of [-0.5, 0.5). This is used to ensure that atomic coordinates are consistent with the geometry layout used internally by FHI-aims. This is disabled by default and should only be used when loading real-space matrices generated by FHI-aims.
  • refit::Bool: By default already fitted bases will not be refitted, but this behaviour can be suppressed by setting refit=true.
  • target::String: a string indicating which matrix should be fitted. This may be either H or S. If unspecified then the model's .label field will be read and used.

Manual Fitting

Alternatively, one may manually select the fitting data and place it into a dictionary keyed by basis id (Dict(basis_id, DataSet)). This is then provided to the fitting function along with the model like so fit!(model, fitting_data_dictionary). Note that one need only provide data for the bases that one wishes to fit.