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The ACEhamiltonians package is a Julia package that provides tools for constructing, fitting, and predicting self-consistent Hamiltonian and overlap matrices in solid-state systems. It is based on the atomic cluster expansion (ACE) approach and the associated ACEsuit package. The ACEhamiltonians package contains functions for generating on-site and off-site basis functions, fitting these bases to theoretical (DFT) data, and predicting the Hamiltonian and overlap matrices for any atomic configuration in real or reciprocal space. ACEhamiltonians provides a flexible and efficient way to model the electronic structure of materials and is a valuable tool for researchers in computational materials science. Please refer to the associated article for a more in-depth description of the methodological underpinnings of this package.

Getting Started

This quick-start guide provides an overview of the ACEhamiltonians framework, including the Model and SubModel structures. The Model structure represents a model that includes on-site and off-site bases, their corresponding parameters, and the basis definition, while the SubModel structures within represents the interaction between atomic shells in a system. The guide outlines the construction, fitting, and predicting processes for both structures, providing users with an efficient and flexible way to represent interactions in various systems. Links to more detailed documents are also provided as necessary.

Installation and setup instructions can be found at the end of this document. The example_data.h5 dataset used throughout the examples and documentation has been supplied, and can be downloaded here.


The Model struct in the ACEhamiltonians framework represents a model that includes both on-site and off-site bases, their corresponding parameters, and the basis definition. It also contains a label to identify the model and a dictionary for storing any meta-data associated with it.

The model constructor takes in the necessary information, such as the on-site and off-site parameters, and generates the associated on-site and off-site bases for all unique species pairs and their shells. It handles cases with symmetrically equivalent interactions and allows for the use of dual-basis models when necessary (primarily for debugging). The constructor ensures that the model is built with the appropriate bases and parameters, making it ready for fitting and predicting operations.

The Model structure in the ACEhamiltonians framework consists of several fields that play a crucial role in defining and utilizing the model. Here is a list of these fields and a brief description of their purpose:

  1. on_site_bases: A dictionary that stores the on-site basis functions for each unique species pair and their shells, indexed by a tuple of the form (z₁, n₁, n₂), where z₁ represents the atomic number and n₁ and n₂ are the shell indices.
  2. off_site_bases: A dictionary that stores the off-site basis functions for each unique species pair and their shells, indexed by a tuple of the form (z₁, z₂, n₁, n₂), where z₁ and z₂ represent the atomic numbers and n₁ and n₂ are the shell indices.
  3. on_site_parameters: An object of the OnSiteParaSet type that contains the on-site parameters for each unique species pair and their shells.
  4. off_site_parameters: An object of the OffSiteParaSet type that contains the off-site parameters for each unique species pair and their shells.
  5. basis_definition: A collection that describes the basis set for each species present in the model, including the atomic number and associated shell information.
  6. label: A string that serves as an identifier for the model, typically indicating the type of matrix being represented (e.g., "H" for Hamiltonian or "S" for overlap).
  7. meta_data: A dictionary that stores any additional meta-data associated with the model. This can include miscellaneous information or attributes that are not directly involved in the model construction, fitting, or prediction processes.

The Model Construction section outlines the process of creating an ACEhamiltonians model in Julia. The model is initialised by providing parameters such as model_type, basis_definition, on_site_parameters, and off_site_parameters. The model_type is set to "H" or "S" depending on whether the model will be fitted to Hamiltonian or overlap matrices. basis_definition specifies the azimuthal quantum numbers, while on_site_parameters and off_site_parameters define the parameters required for constructing on-site and off-site bases respectively. The file also details the various Params type structures (GlobalParams, AtomicParams, AzimuthalParams, and ShellParams) that provide different levels of specificity for parameter declarations. The OnSiteParaSet and OffSiteParaSet structures are used to store all the required parameter definitions for on-site and off-site interactions.

The Model Fitting section demonstrates how to use the various fitting subroutines within the ACEhamiltonians framework to fit a model. With the model-level automated fitting procedure, you only need to specify the model to be fitted and the location(s) for gathering fitting data. The fit! function performs the fitting operation and accepts several optional keyword arguments for customization. You can also manually select fitting data by placing it into a dictionary keyed by basis id and providing it to the fitting function along with the model. In this case, you only need to provide data for the bases you want to fit.

Finally, the Model Predicting section illustrates how to make predictions using the predict methods. To create the real-space matrix for a system, call the predict method with a model, an Atoms entity representing the system, and the cell translation vectors. You can then use the real-space matrix to construct the complex matrix at a specific k-point with the real_to_complex method. The cell translation vectors determine which cells are included when constructing the real-space matrix. You can use the cell_translations method to estimate them based on the distance cut-offs within the model.


Instead of constructing, fitting and preficting with the Model structure, whose input and output are both whole Hamiltonian, the SubModel structure gives the users more flexibility in terms of subblock fitting. It is nevertheless another key component of the ACEHamiltonians framework, representing the interaction between atomic shells in a system. To use this structure, one start with constructibg on-site or off-site ACE basis and specifying a unique identifier (id) for the specific interaction. Once fitted(with the help of data), the SubModel structure holds coefficients and mean values used for making predictions. It is a flexible and efficient way to represent interactions in various systems, making it an essential part of the model fitting and prediction process.

Typically, creating isolated SubModel instances isn't commonly required, as the Model encompasses the essential functionality for constructing and applying bases. However, working with individual SubModel instances can be beneficial during hyperparameter optimization and are therefore discussed here.

The SubModel Construction section explains how to create individual on-site and off-site bases using the on_site_ace_basis and off_site_ace_basis functions, respectively. The process involves specifying necessary parameters such as quantum numbers, correlation order, maximum polynomial degree, and cutoff distances. After creating the core basis, it is wrapped in a SubModel instance, which associates the basis with an interaction and provides an identifier. The SubModel structure is utilised during the fitting process and when making predictions.

The SubModel Fitting section explains how to fit individual SubModel instances by providing the basis and fitting data to the fit! function. The function requires a DataSet instance containing all necessary data for the fitting process. The get_dataset convenience function automatically collects all relevant data, simplifying the fitting operation. The fitting process involves loading the real-space Hamiltonian matrix, atoms object, cell translation vectors, and basis set definition, and then performing the fitting operation on the bases.

The SubModel Predicting section describes how to make predictions for individual bases using the predict function. By providing a SubModel instance and a state-vector (a vector of AbstractState instances), predictions can be made for on-site and off-site interactions. The example demonstrates how to load an atoms object, obtain the on-site and off-site states representing the environment, and make predictions for these states. Predictions can also be made for multiple blocks simultaneously by providing a vector containing multiple state-vectors.

Installation and Setup

The ACEhamiltonians package can be installed in either general user mode or development mode. User mode installs the package into the .julia/packages/ directory, allowing it to be imported and used as any other Julia package. In contrast, development mode sets up ACEhamiltonians as a repository that can be modified as needed, making it the currently recommended option. To get started using ACEhamiltonians in user mode, simply start a Julia session and issue the relevant commands as provided in the following code-block. To install ACEhamiltonians for development purposes, follow the instructions provided in the following development sub-section.

using Pkg
# Add MolSim registry
# Readd the "General" registry to ensure stability
# Finally add the ACEhamiltonians package
Pkg.add(url="", ref="Development")

Then verify the installation by starting a new Julia session and issue "using ACEhamiltonians" to import and build the package.


To download, install, and set up ACEhamiltonians for development purposes, follow these steps:

  1. In the terminal, create a working directory and cd into it. Clone the repository and checkout the development branch. Then start a julia session using the newly cloned repository as the working directory.

    # Make a working directory (called ACEhamiltonians in this example) and cd into it 
    mkdir ACEhamiltonians && cd "$_"
    # Clone the ACEhamiltonians repository and checkout the Development branch
    git clone --branch Development
    # Start a Julia session using the ACEhamiltonians package as the project/environment.
    julia --project=ACEhamiltonians.jl 
  2. Within the Julia session, execute the following code. This will make the required registries available, instantiate the package, and mark it as a developmental package.

    using Pkg
    # Add MolSim registry
    # Readd the "General" registry to ensure stability
    # Instantiate the environment from the `Manifest.toml` and or `Project.toml` files.
    # Deactivate the current Julia environment (to permit the next command)
    # Make the ACEhamiltonians package available for development.
  3. Finally, check that the ACEhamiltonians package is accessible by starting a new Julia session and issuing "using ACEhamiltonians" to import and build the package.

Some static package level development configuration options are made available in the ACEhamiltonians.jl source file. These options are as follows:

  • DUAL_BASIS_MODEL: if set to true the off-site hetro-orbital interactions will be represented by a pair of bases; i.e. $sp$ and $ps$. Predictions will then be made by averaging the results of the two models like so $sp(AB) = 0.5\cdot(sp(AB) + ps(BA)^T)$. While this is somewhat redundant it does help aviate some current stability issues. This is set to true by default.
  • BOND_ORIGIN_AT_MIDPOINT: if set to true the point of the bond will be used as the origin for the off-site states objects. This is disabled by default as a when an environmental atom lies exactly at the midpoint spherical angles θ and ϕ become indeterminate and thus a direction cannot be determined. This results in violations of bond symmetry.
  • SYMMETRY_FIX_ENABLED: if set to true then a symmetry fix will be applied to homo-azimuthal interactions to force them to respect transposition symmetry. This is disabled by default as it is only valid when the bond origin lies at the midpoint.