
Short Version

These short instructions are intended for users who are already familiar with Julia. If these instructions don't make sense please see the detailed instructions below.

  1. Install Julia (1.10) if you haven't already. Make sure the General registry is installed and up to date. (or uncomment the relevant line in the script below)

  2. Setup a new project: create a folder to develop your new project, and cd into the folder. This folder will track the packages and versions which the ACEpotentials code requires. Start julia, activate the project and add ACEregistry that includes ACEpotentials, which is the package that we want to install:

    using Pkg
    # uncomment the next line if the General registry is not yet installed,
    # e.g. if using Julia for the first time.
    # Pkg.Registry.add("General")  

    ACEpotentials will come with the most important packages you need, in particular ACEfit.jl and various AtomsBase.jl related packages.

  3. You need to activate a project folder when starting julia.

This can be done by starting julia with julia --project=pathtoproject command, using an environment variable export JULIA_PROJECT=pathtoproject or, after starting julia, calling

using Pkg
pkg"activate pathtoproject"

Detailed Instructions

If you have any difficulties with the following setup process, please file an issue. We highly recommend familiarizing oneself with the Julia package manager and how Project management is best done in Julia (there is also a summary in this section of these docs). In particular all projects should manage their own Project.toml file with appropriate version bounds, and where appropriate the Manifest.toml file can be tracked in order to guarantee reproducibility of results.

Installing Julia

Download and unpack Julia. We require v1.10 or upwards. Add the julia executable to your path with something like export PATH=<julia-directory>/bin:$PATH.

Start the Julia REPL (type julia followed by Enter), switch to package manager by typing ], then install the General registry and the ACE registry:

registry add
registry add

Press Backspace or Ctrl-c to exit the package manager. Use Ctrl-d, or exit() followed by Enter, to close the Julia REPL.

Setting up a new ACEpotentials.jl project

Create a folder for your new project and change to it. Start the Julia REPL and activate a new project by switching to the package manager with ], and then running

activate .

Now you can install ACEpotentials. Remaining in the package manager, use

add ACEpotentials

Depending on your usage you may also need to add other packages, e.g. AtomsBase, Molly, DFTK etc.

Returning to a project

When returning to a project, there are several methods for reactivating it. One is to simply activate . in the package manager, as above. Alternatively set the JULIA_PROJECT environment variable to the directory with Project.toml before starting julia, or call julia as julia --project=<dir>. Special syntax like JULIA_PROJECT=@. or julia --project=@. searches the current directory and its parents for a Project.toml file.

Setting up the tutorial

As in the instructions described above, install Julia, then create a new folder, start new julia project and in that project add ACEpotentials and IJulia, then copy the tutorial to the local folder:

julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("ACEpotentials"); Pkg.add("IJulia")'
julia -e 'using ACEpotentials; ACEpotentials.copy_tutorial(@__DIR__())'

Start Jupyter, e.g. via

jupyter notebook 

Open the tutorial notebook. If a Julia kernel can be selected make sure it is 1.10 or higher. The follow the instructions in the notebook.

Setting up the Python ASE calculator


The current version of ACEpotentials does not have a tested ASE interface. If you need an ASE interface, consider using a version < 0.8 of ACEpotentials.

We use a wrapper called pyjulip to call julia and evaluate ACE potentials. In a terminal, with the correct julia project and python environment selected, run the following code:

python -m pip install julia
python -c "import julia; julia.install()"

Make sure to use the correct python and pip, e.g. the ones that are in the correct Conda environment. Then, to set up pyjulip:

git clone
cd pyjulip
pip install .


There are currently no known recurring problems with ACEpotentials installation.