Benchmark Instructions

For general reference look BenchmarkTools manual.

A simple way to run benchmarks is to call

using BenchmarkTools
using PkgBenchmark
using Polynomials4ML

bench = benchmarkpkg(Polynomials4ML)
results = bench.benchmarkgroup

# You can search with macro "@tagged"
results[@tagged "derivative" && "Chebyshev"]

You can create BenchmarkConfig to control benchmark

t2 = BenchmarkConfig(env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => 2))
bench_t2 = benchmarkpkg(Polynomials4ML, t2)

Benchmarks can be save to a file with

export_markdown("", bench)

Comparing current branch to another branch

# current branch to "origin/main"
j = judge(Polynomials4ML, "origin/main")

Benchmark scaling to different amount of threads

t4 = BenchmarkConfig(env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => 4))
t8 = BenchmarkConfig(env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => 8))

# Compare how much changing from 4-threads to 8 improves the performance
j = judge(Polynomials4ML, t8, t4)


CI Benchmarks

Benchmarks can be run automatically on PR's by adding label "run benchmark" to the PR.

Adding more benchmarks

Take a look at benchmark/benchmarks.jl for an example. If your benchmark depends on an additional packages you need to add the package to benchmark/Project.toml.