Linear Polynomial Regression

This tutorial show how to use the P4ML package to perform a naive polynomial regression. This is not really the intended use-case of the package, but it serves to illustrate some basic usage and functionality.

using Polynomials4ML, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays

Example 1: Univariate Polynomial Regression

First, we specify a target function, which we will try to approximate.

f1(x) = 1 / (1 + 10 * x^2);

Suppose we are given data in the form of argument, function value pairs, with arguments sampled uniformly from the interval [-1, 1].

N = 1_000
Xtrain = 2 * rand(N) .- 1
Ytrain = f1.(Xtrain);

We want to solve the least squares problem

\[ \min_p \sum_{i = 1}^{N} | y_i - p(x_i) |^2\]

for a polynomial $p$. Because $f_1$ is analytic, we use a degree approximately $\sqrt{N}$. Since the distribution of the samples is uniform, the Legrendre polynomials are likely a good choice.

basis = legendre_basis(ceil(Int, sqrt(N)))
c = basis(Xtrain) \ Ytrain
p = x -> sum(c .* basis(x));

A quick statistical test error

Xtest = 2 * rand(N) .- 1
Ytest = f1.(Xtest)
println("Test RMSE: ", norm(Ytest - p.(Xtest)) / sqrt(N))
Test RMSE: 3.0329984403230623e-5

Example 2: Polynomial Regression on the Sphere

As a second example we consider a function defined on the unit sphere,

f2(x) = 1 / (1 + 10 * norm(x - SA[1.0,0.0,0.0])^2);

where x is now an SVector{3, Float64} with norm(x) == 1. We generate again uniform samples on the sphere.

N = 1_000
X = [ (x = randn(SVector{3, Float64}); x/norm(x)) for i = 1:N ]
Y = f2.(X);

In this case, spherical harmonics are natural basis functions. P4ML implements both real and complex spherical harmonics. Since the target function is real, we choose the real basis.

basis = real_sphericalharmonics(9)
@show length(basis);
length(basis) = 100

We see that we now have far more basis functions per degree and therefore cannot use as high a degree as before (unless we give ourselves more data). Otherwise we can proceed exactly as above.

c = basis(X) \ Y
p = x -> sum(c .* basis(x));

We can test the RMSE again.

Xtest = [ (x = randn(SVector{3, Float64}); x/norm(x)) for i = 1:N ]
Ytest = f2.(Xtest)
println("Test RMSE: ", norm(Ytest - p.(Xtest)) / sqrt(N));
Test RMSE: 0.00970364646742417

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