API for Polynomial Bases

This page documents the public API for polynomial bases: the list of bases and functions that are considered relatively stable and for which we aim to strictly impose semver backward compatibility. The basis sets that are considered stable are the following (please see inline documentation for initialization):

In-place Evaluation

This section documents the in-place evaluation interface. The polynomial basis sets implemented in this package should provide this interface as a minimal requirement. Because these mappings are all low-to-high dimensional, and are almost never a computational bottleneck, we do not current support pullbacks and pushforwards but only classical evaluation and point-wise differentiation, for either single inputs or batches of inputs.

evaluate!(P, basis, X)
evaluate_ed!(P, dP, basis, X)
evaluate_ed2!(P, dP, ddP, basis, X)
  • basis : an object defining one of the basis sets
  • X : a single input or array of inputs.
  • P : array containing the basis values
  • dP : array containing derivatives of basis w.r.t. inputs
  • ddP : array containing second derivatives of basis w.r.t. inputs

If X is a single input then this should normally be a Number or a StaticArray to distinguish it from collections of inputs. X can also be an AbstractArray of admissible inputs, e.g., Vector{<: Number}.

If X is a single input then P, dP, ddP will be AbstractVector. If X is an AbstractVector of inputs then P, dP, ddP must be AbstractMatrix, and so forth.

The output arrays P, dP, ddP must be sufficiently large in each dimension to accomodate the size of the input and the size of the basis, but the sizes need not match exactly. It is up to the caller to ensure matching array sizes if this is needed.

Allocating Evaluation

This section documents the allocating evaluation interface. All basis sets should implement this interface.

P = evaluate(basis, X)
P, dP = evaluate_ed(basis, X)
P, dP, ddP = evaluate_ed2(basis, X)

The output types of P, dP, ddP are guaranteed to be AbstractArrays but may otherwise change between package versions. The exact type should not be relied upon when using this package.

The meaning of the different symbols is exactly the same as described above. The only difference is that the output containers P, dP, ddP are now allocated. Their type should be stable (if not, please file a bug report), but unspecified in the sense that the output type is not semver-stable for the time being. If you need a sem-ver stable output then it is best to follow the above with a collect or to wrap the non-allocation versions.

Using the WithAlloc.jl Bumper extension

The package WithAlloc introduces a function whatalloc that allows one to specify the output arrays required for an in-place evaluation. It furthermore provides a macro @withalloc to wrap this functionality conveniently. For example,

@no_escape begin 
   basis = legendre_basis(10) 
   X = 2 * rand(100) .- 1
   P1 = @withalloc evaluate!(basis, X)
   P2, dP2 = @withalloc evaluate_ed!(basis, X)

The arrays P1, P2, dP2 are Bumper-allocated i.e. are not allowed to leave the no-escape block. Please see [WithAlloc.jl](https://github.com/ACEsuit/WithAlloc.jl) and [Bumper.jl](https://github.com/MasonProtter/Bumper.jl) for more details. If output arrays are to be used outside of the local scope then the allocating functions evaluate, evaluate_ed etc, should be used or array allocation managed differently.