ACEpotentials potentials in LAMMPS

Install LAMMPS with the ML-PACE package

An ACEpotentials.jl potential can be used in LAMMPS if the latter is built with the ML-PACE package. At present, a patched version of that package is required which may be installed as follows:

git clone -b release
cd lammps
mkdir build
cd build
wget -O libpace.tar.gz
cmake \
    -D PKG_ML-PACE=yes \
    -D PACELIB_MD5=$(md5sum libpace.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}') \
make -j 4

See the LAMMPS documentation for more build options.

Convert an ACEpotentials model to yace format

The ML-PACE package requires a potential in the .yace format. To convert a model saved as .json, use the following:

using ACEpotentials
potential_json = "Si.json"    # example json filename
potential_yace = "Si.yace"    # example yace filename
export2lammps(potential_yace, read_dict(load_dict(potential_json)["IP"]))

Using yace potentials in LAMMPS

The syntax for the PACE pair style in LAMMPS, for a potential for I, Cs and Pb, is:

pair_style      pace
pair_coeff      * * potential.yace I Cs Pb

The species ordering after pair_coeff must match the numerical ordering in any .data geometry file.

By default, ACEpotentials models have separate two-body and many-body components. At present, the two-body component is exported via a lookup table which LAMMPs reads directly, meaning two files are created: a potentialname_pairpot.table file for the two-body contribution and a potentialname.yace file for the many-body contribution. The .table file contains a set of lookup tables with a fixed number N (written in the file) of interpolation points. To use the full model in LAMMPS, read N from the file and use the syntax:

pair_style      hybrid/overlay pace table spline <N>
pair_coeff      * * pace potential.yace I Cs Pb
pair_coeff      1 1 table potential_pairpot.table I_I
pair_coeff      1 2 table potential_pairpot.table I_Cs
pair_coeff      1 3 table potential_pairpot.table I_Pb
pair_coeff      2 2 table potential_pairpot.table Cs_Cs
pair_coeff      2 3 table potential_pairpot.table Cs_Pb
pair_coeff      3 3 table potential_pairpot.table Pb_Pb

where we are using the ordering I, Cs, Pb.