Using ACE potentials in Molly

Molly is pure Julia MD program that is in development. ACE support for Molly is currently in ACEmd package, which is exported by ACEpotentials.

Things to know about Molly

Molly expects units to be defined. Our fitting procedure does not define units (implicitly we use eV for energy and Å length), so in order to use Molly, units need to be defined. This is done by wrapping potentials to a structure that holds units in addition to the potential. The units used are defined in Unitful, which is exported by default.

To wrap units for a potential you can use load_ace_model function, which can take in a potential you have just fitted as an input. You can also load json or yace potential files exported from ACEpotentials.jl or ACE1.jl.

pot_with_units = load_ace_model( potential_with_no_units )

# Load potential files
pot_with_units = load_ace_model( "path to potential file" )

The default units are eV for energy and Å for length. You can change these with

load_ace_model( "path to potential file";
                energy_unit = u"hartree",
                length_unit = u"bohr",
                cutoff_unit = u"pm" )

System setup

#To start Molly you need to prepare the Molly system. There are still some ACE specific complications with this. But please refer to Molly documentation

using Molly
using ACEpotentials # or ACEmd
using AtomsIO

# Load initial structure
data = AtomsIO.load_system("initial structure file")
# or use whatever AtomsBase structure
# need to have velocity return other than missing

# Load ACE potential
pot = load_ace_model("some ace potential")

# Pack data to Molly compatible format
sys = Molly.System(data, pot)

# Set up temperature and velocities
temp = 298.0u"K"
vel = random_velocities!(sys, temp)

# Add loggers
# need at least Molly v0.17 for this
sys = Molly.System(
    loggers=(temp=TemperatureLogger(100),) # add more loggers here

You can also customize system more. For details refer Molly documentation.

Set up simulation

To setup Molly simulation you need to create simulation object

# Set up simulator
simulator = VelocityVerlet(
    coupling=AndersenThermostat(temp, 1.0u"ps"),

After this you can run the simulation by

# Perform MD for 1000 steps
simulate!(sys, simulator, 1000)